(i.m. Lassi Nummi, died 14 March 2012)
(from the Finnish of Lassi Nummi)
The earth has found peace
as the autumn harvest ripens
and the corn is cut.
It will sleep in peace
when the snow of winter covers it.
– Children of earth, you will have peace
when the harvest of days ripens,
when the harvest of life is cut.
You who are holy and unknown, incomprehensible, holy and invisible,
give us peace.
Peace to those who have slept in darkness and silence.
Peace to us, hurrying onwards still
amid the lights and hubbub of the world.
Give us peace.
Peace to those whirled round by the wheels of joy and pain and longing,
peace in which is humble joy and sorrow
and the strength to finish the day's task.
And give peace also
to hands that have fallen from their task,
to eyes that are shut in sleep –
the peace that unites those who sleep and are gone from us
with those still wandering here.
The peace which passes all understanding,
Your peace,
give it to them, and to us.
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