Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Lang Wait

My poem ‘A Lang Wait’ was published recently in Scottish PEN online journal (theme ‘Patience’). Here’s me reading it, in Scots with English subtitles.

Here's the original Scots version:

A Lang Wait

Ye micht wait lang
afore fowk – yon's you and me and aa – 
arenae gowkit –

 –  bi thaim as promise jam the morn
(a tax brek, a pun or twae mair pension, oor country's glorious futur)
 – bi thaim as gie us an enemy tae turn oor hate upon
(immigraunts and furriners, Jews, Muslims, aye, and a wee war warks wunners)
 – bi breid and circuses
(think Meghan and Harry, onie celeb ye can nem)
 – bi thaim as awns the media and gie oot fake news for thir ain fell purposes
(the heidlines ony day o the week)
 – bi thaim as haes maistered and refined the cantrips o kings, emperors, warlords and high-heid-yins sin the beginnin o time.

Ye micht wait lang. But keep the faith
for things will chynge for the better –
the lees will be seen throu
and the truth come oot suiner or later.
It's happent afore, it’ll suirly happen again.
It's a lang road – yit wi howp
and mair nor howp – gin ye speik oot

for thaim as cannae speik oot and for thaim
whase vyce is owherwhaulmt
bi the warld’s stramash and scurry-whirry
stour will flee frae the een. Dinnae gie up.
In daurk days aye haud forrit, haud on.  

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